Each message is from the Bible, using illustrations from the sea to make God's Word come alive. God will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. Micah 7:19
The Lord of the Sea Psalm 107:29 and Matthew 8:23-27 The Lord of the Wind and Waves Mark 4:35-41 Replace Fear with FAITH! The wonders of the sea Psalm 107:23-25 God Guides us on the sea Psalm 139:9-10 The God who Made the Sea Acts 14:15 Casting our sins into the depths of the Sea Micah 7:19 Who is the Creator of the Sea? Job 12:7-10 Who stirs the Sea? Isaiah 51:15
Are you driven & tossed like the surf of the Sea? James 1:2-8 Are you Drowning? Matthew 14:22-33 Are you STAYED upon the Lord Isaiah 26:3 (STAYS are rigging that hold up a Mast on a ship) As the wind blows John 3:8 Jesus walks on Water John 6:15-25 Put out to Sea Acts 13:13 Living Water John 7:38 The True Lighthouse John 8:2 How to grow in your Faith Romans 10:17 What is man's place? Genesis 1:26